Below is a list of my favorite low toxicant living brands and products that I currently use or have previously used, either personally and/or with my clients. As someone who has personal experience with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) & Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT) and as someone who works with highly sensitive children, I take my affiliations with brands and companies seriously.
You’ll only find “Shandy-approved” products around here!
A Healthier Home: The Room by Room Guide to Make Any Space A Little Less Toxic by Shawna Holman
Whether you’re new to low tox living or you’ve been on the path for some time, I know you’ll appreciate this incredible room-by-room guide to making your home A Little Less Toxic®.
Be sure you’re following Shawna Holman on Instagram @alittlelesstoxic. She’s one of my favorites to follow along with because she gives practical strategies while infusing humor and positivity into her content.
Cleaning & Laundry
Branch Basics - I have used, loved, and recommended Branch Basics for years… You can replace nearly all of your conventional cleaners with a Branch Basics Starter Kit!
CLICK HERE for a $10 off Starter Kit referral link
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We sometimes link to products or services we love using affiliate links. This means that Speaking of Health & Wellness, LLC may receive a small percentage or fee for referring you to any product you may purchase from one of those sites. These small fees help sustain our small business. We truly appreciate your support.
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