Naturally Navigating Picky Eating: A Course for Parents of Children with Complex Picky Eating — Speaking of Health & Wellness

Grab your FREE GUIDE: The Dos and Don’ts for Parents of Complex Picky Eaters

Naturally Navigating Picky Eating

Help your child overcome complex picky eating and bring more ease and joy to mealtimes


What if I told you there are small daily habits you can use to help your child overcome complex picky eating?


Maybe you...

...are running out of ideas on how to nourish your child because they only eat a handful of foods

...have a child who only wants to eat certain foods prepared a very certain way

...are the parent of a child who exclusively lives off of chicken nuggets, pizza, crackers, yogurt, or noodles

...are completely fed up with the struggle at every meal

...have fallen into the habit of bribes, ultimatums, or distractions at mealtimes just to get your child to eat

...are tired of making the same foods for your child over and over

...dream of the day where your family can all enjoy the same meal together

...know there's a "better way" than what you're currently doing but you feel overwhelmed and unsure about where to start

...have concerns that your child's picky eating is impacting (or will impact) their health or development


Does any of this sound familiar?


Now, imagine how it would feel if you could:

Actually get your child to eat new foods

Only make one meal at dinner time your entire family to enjoy together

Expand your child's list of accepted foods and feel more confident about their nutritional intake

Set the foundations for your child to develop a healthy relationship with food and their body

Let go of the pressure and bring more peace to your family's mealtimes


This is completely possible for your child and family.

By being more intentional about how you approach food and mealtimes with your child, you can transform the mealtime struggles into mealtime ease!


How do I know this is possible?

Hi, I'm Shandy Laskey, M.A. CCC-SLP, FNTP

As an integrative Speech-Language Pathologist, pediatric feeding specialist, and Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I am incredibly passionate about the power of nutrition for children's health and development.

When I started Speaking of Health & Wellness my mission was to bring awareness to developmental delays and neurodevelopmental conditions as whole body conditions, and to empower parents who were embarking on a holistic health journey with their children. I quickly realized that one of the top obstacles for these families as they tried to improve their child's health and development through nutrition was complex picky eating.

There are many resources out there to support kids with developmentally appropriate picky eating but children with complex picky eating aren't always supported by these cookie-cutter strategies.

Before you can help your child overcome complex picky eating, you first have to understand why they are struggling with this and then "meet them where they are".

...And I'm here to help you do just that!


My signature framework emphasizes a whole child, whole family approach to navigating picky eating.

Created out of my desire to offer a holistic approach for parents of children struggling with complex picky eating, with and without developmental and/or chronic health conditions, this framework is meant to be tailored to your child and family's specific needs...

My goal is to help you ditch the overwhelm, build your confidence, and help you feel like a natural when it comes to solving your child's complex picky eating.


Small steps lead to big improvements...

I focus on starting with small actionable steps that are manageable for you and your child that become the building blocks leading to major improvements over time, like a snowball effect... and we're celebrating all of the little victories along the way!

Unlike most approaches, my framework takes a 360 view of your child's complex picky eating. I dive into the behavioral and environmental factors, physical and skill considerations (including oral motor and sensory processing challenges), medical related concerns (from digestive distress to various medical conditions), as well as how trauma, the nervous system, anxiety, nutrition, and other factors can come into play with complex picky eating.


My framework teaches parents and caregivers to see beyond the behaviors and food refusal and look closer at the root causes, and determine the various supports that can be put in place.

I've condensed my parent coaching philosophies and top strategies into this framework to help you navigate your child's picky eating from the comfort of your home...



© Naturally Navigating Picky Eating

A self-paced course for parents and caregivers of children with complex picky eating, with and without developmental conditions.

Designed specifically to help you identify the underlying issues related to your child's picky eating and empower you with the strategies + resources to tailor an approach for their needs, so you can help them eat a nutritionally balanced diet and become more adventurous with food.


What My Clients Are Saying...


Who is this course for?

Parents + Caregivers of Children with Complex Picky Eating (2-10 years old)

Does your child's picky eating seem beyond what's "normal" to you? Has your child's picky eating been consistently and persistently creating a quality of life issue for your child and family for more than a couple months?

It's time to get some guidance to help your family move through this!

Parents + Caregivers of Children Who Have Developmental Delays or Conditions

This course is applicable to parents of children who have a variety of diagnoses. Parents of children with developmental delays, speech-language disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, sensory processing challenges, Down syndrome, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, PANS/PANDAS, and other neurodevelopmental conditions...

You're in the right place!

Parents + Caregivers of Children with Chronic Health Conditions or Unwanted Symptoms

No matter the diagnosis or unwanted symptoms, if you want to improve your child's nutrition to support their overall health and development but you're feeling stuck on where to start because of their picky eating habits, this course is for you.

Don't let picky eating be the obstacle that's keeping your child from reaching their optimal health and wellness!


This course is NOT for you if…

  • If your child is less than 2 years old OR older than 10 years old

  • If your child's food repertoire consists of 30+ foods that are easily accepted and mealtimes are not creating a consistent quality of life issue for you and/or your child

  • If you're looking for a quick and simple solution, this is not for you. The journey of helping your child overcome complex picky eating is made up of small and manageable steps for you and your child. It’s focused on meeting your child where he/she is but it's important that you trust and commit to the process consistently in order to see maximum results.

  • If you are resistant to the idea of upgrading the quality of your child's foods and unwilling to consider how certain foods maybe actually be playing a major role in your child's picky eating

  • If the idea of integrative approaches and holistic care for children is a turn-off

  • If your child is experiencing body dysmorphia or a known eating disorder, this course is not meant for you. If your child is experiencing body dysmorphia in addition to self-restricted eating, please seek appropriate support from a trusted healthcare provider specializing in disordered eating.

  • If you are a provider looking to learn more about complex picky eating… this course is geared specifically towards parents who need this information. If you are a professional interested in learning more, please start with the podcast and reach out to express your interest in a potential course on complex picky eating geared towards professionals.


What My Clients Are Saying…


Naturally Navigating Picky Eating is not a cookie-cutter approach.

This is the framework to help you tailor a plan for your child's unique needs.

Upon enrollment, you'll gain access to:

Self-Paced Video Lessons

You'll be able to access the course material across devices through a user-friendly app and have the ability to download video and audio content

Course Assets

Gain exclusive access to supportive course assets and guides, in addition to referenced studies and supplemental resources throughout the course materials to help you achieve results

Exclusive Community

Use our exclusive community group to ask for clarifications on the course content, connect with other parents and caregivers who can relate to your journey, share your child’s latest wins and encourage each other


How much longer are you willing to let picky eating impact your family's quality of life?

If you commit to the process and strategies outlined in this course with consistency, I'm confident you'll start to see improvements within a month!


What’s inside Naturally Navigating Picky Eating…

Course Curriculum:


Course Assets:

  • Optimizing the Mealtime Environment e-book guide

  • Signs Your Child’s Seating is Impacting Mealtimes e-book guide

  • Signs of Structural-Functional Concerns Contributing to Your Child’s Complex Picky Eating e-book guide

  • Questions to Ask When Finding a Feeding Therapist e-book guide

  • Journal Prompts for Reflection & Visualization

  • 3-Day Food/ Mood/ Elimination/ Symptoms Journal Template


After completing this course...

You will be able to navigate your child's picky eating, naturally.

You'll be able to:

...stop the frustration and overwhelm around mealtimes

...go out to dinner as a family without dealing with meltdowns around food

...attend family holidays and gatherings without having to bring your child's default foods

...understand the varying root causes of your child's complex picky eating your child establish a healthy lifelong relationship with food, mealtimes, and their body.


Picture this...

No more being a short-order cook and making the same handful of foods every single day

No more having to use distractions, bribes, and ultimatums at mealtimes just to get your child to eat something

No more bringing pizza or chicken nuggets (or whatever your child's default foods are) to gatherings, events, and on vacations

It's time to let all of that go!


What My Clients Are Saying…


Are you ready to end the mealtime drama and take action to help your child overcome complex picky eating?

This course is the guidance you've needed to help you navigate your child's picky eating...


> Valued at $1,197 <

Enroll today at $747 for instant access!




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