Hi, I'm Shandy  

My passion for holistic nutrition and low toxicant living started when I developed a chronic illness while earning my graduate degree to become a speech-language pathologist (SLP). 

I consulted multiple doctors and was ultimately presented with an option of being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and/or Fibromyalgia and being prescribed pain killers and anti-anxiety pills.

Shortly after, I learned that there is no known cause or cure for these diagnoses. Sound familiar? 

While I believe medications and medical interventions can have their appropriate time and place, I personally did not want to be placed on daily medications that I could possibly become dependent on to manage symptoms.

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My intuition and connection to my body knew there had to be an underlying cause beneath the anxiety, adverse reactions to food, multiple chemical sensitivities, physical pain, among many other symptoms that I was experiencing…

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My experience landed me in the care of a naturopathic doctor and a registered nurse/nutritional therapist, among others. With their guidance I learned my body was toxically overloaded, out of balance, and my symptoms were merely my body’s cry for help.

When they learned I was earning my Masters in Speech-Language Pathology and planned to work with children, they both strongly encouraged me to look into autism spectrum disorders as whole body conditions vs. solely genetic and/or brain based. Both of them… Separately. 

To hear about the connections between nutrition and autism spectrum disorders from those who were helping me regain my own health left me feeling intrigued to further explore the "gut-brain connection" and low toxicant living beyond my own healing. 

My mind was expanded.

The course of my life and career were forever redirected.

Since then I have been intensely learning about nutritional and biochemical connections, as well as the impacts of living a low toxicant lifestyle for individuals with chronic health issues and developmental delays and conditions such as autism, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, extreme complex picky eating, pediatric feeding disorders, Down syndrome, speech-language delays and disorders, learning disabilities, and more.

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I have advanced certification in holistic and functional nutrition, as well as health and wellness coaching specifically for families impacted by chronic childhood conditions, developmental delays, neurodevelopmental conditions, and various special needs.

I am a certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) through the Nutritional Therapy Association and a Documenting Hope Certified Health Coach & listed preferred practitioner. I am a student of the BioIndividual Nutrition Institute & Pediatric Nutrition Program by renown ASD and ADHD nutrition expert, Julie Matthews, MS of Nourishing Hope and the BioIndividual Nutrition Institute.

I am also proud to be a part of the Documenting Hope team as the Director of Community Development. Documenting Hope is a non-profit organization on a mission to create a healthier world and future for our children, and the first to scientifically study and document the impacts of the totality of modern living on children’s health.

Thank you for taking the time to read some of my background on why and how Speaking of Health & Wellness came to be. I have experienced and witnessed incredible improvements from the power of holistic nutrition and low toxicant living.

Our bodies - our children's bodies - are truly trying to work for us.

Everyone, regardless of any diagnosis, is their optimal self when they are their healthiest self.

I am deeply passionate about bringing these critical topics to the mainstream awareness, as I believe this knowledge will continue to lead to innovation in helping these children and future generations.

I look forward to learning and connecting with you!

Be well, friends

- Shandy Laskey, M.A.,CCC-SLP, FNTP

Founder + CEO, Speaking of Health & Wellness, LLC


Listen to my story on Speaking of Health & Wellness: The Podcast below: